Existing Order Inquiries

  • Can I cancel or edit my order?

    Absolutely, we understand that plans can change. However, it will depend on the processing stage of your
    order and we may not be able to accommodate your request.
    Here's what you need to know about canceling your order:

    1. Free Cancelation Before Fulfillment: You can change or cancel your order at no cost anytime
      before it's processed for shipping. 

    2. Contact Us: To modify or cancel an order, please reach out to us via phone or Live Chat at the
      bottom of your screen to get immediate assistance. 
      Provide the following information:

      • Your order number
      • Product(s) you wish to cancel or add
      • Reason for cancellation

    3. Agent Assistance: If your request meets the criteria, our agent will modify your order free of
      charge. Refund processes will automatically initiate upon cancellation.

    4. Cancellation Guarantee: While we strive to accommodate all requests, we can't guarantee
      cancellation if your order has been fulfilled. In such cases, the order will be treated as a return, and applicable fees will align with our Return & Refund Policy.

    We're here to make your experience smooth, so feel free to get in touch with us if you need to adjust
    your order.

  • What are these sections and articles doing here?

    This FAQ is a section in the General category of your help center knowledge base. We created this category and a few common sections to help you get started with your Help Center.

    The knowledge base in the Help Center consists of three main page types: category pages, section pages, and articles. Here's the structure:

    Comments are part of the articles. The articles pages are part of Sections page. The Sections pages are part of the Category pages.

    You can create your own categories, sections, and articles and modify or completely delete ours. See the Organizing knowledge base content and Creating articles in the Help Center to learn how.